8 comments on “Personal Kanban on the desktop

  1. Hi there,

    I love the idea of creating a workflow directly on your desktop! I’ve been using Personal Kanban actively for the last three years to manage my “delicate work-life balance”, right through from my workload at the office to our family activities. You can check out my Scrumfamily blog for my writings on my many experiments, both fun and serious.

    The one place where I’ve still used some elements of GTD, though, is on my desktop. Until recently I used the Projects, Actions and File folders, and then collapsed Projects and Actions into one, while still keeping File. Your post just made me realize that the “File” folder is in fact the same as having a Done folder that is the last phase in your workflow. Thanks for that connection. 🙂


    • Hi Maritza,

      Having the work-flow and tasks in one’s face on the desktop makes them hard to avoid! As an aside, I am also using Gina Trapani’s (Lifehacker) todotxt to manage my daily to-dos and also put them on the desktop. Plan to write this in a post later.

      I looked at your blog site – wow! You have been experimenting with Kanban for a long.. time. I hope to learn some valuable tidbits from your posts since I have got seriously started only recently.

      GTD is amazing and has truly changed my life – thanks to David Allen for that. During the course of my experiments I want to see how GTD can mesh with Personal Kanban.


      • Hi Vinayak,

        Thanks for the positive feedback on my blog. I don’t post that often, because life keeps me busy. Hey, that’s why I started using Personal Kanban. 😉

        When I recently changed jobs, the first thing I did was to set up my desk-based kanban. I really can’t imagine doing things any other way right now.

        Of course I augment with other mechanisms, too. Pomodoro is great to stay focused for a certain time. And I’m planning to change my backlog to use the Covey quadrants so I can see if I’m focusing on the most high value work or not. I never really embraced GTD, although I did toy with it for a while.


  2. Hi Vinayak,

    I came to about the same idea. But it did not work well with multiscreen configuration when I have to disconnect 2nd monitor sometimes. I finally have made my own solution, you may take a look here: http://dmitryivanov.net/personal-kanban-app/. The funny thing: I spent more time looking for some simple software and experimenting than developing it for myself.


  3. Pingback: ¿Cómo pasar del plan a la acción? | PGI Comunicaciones - Para Gente Inteligente

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